Texas CNA Certificate Exam 조무사 자격증 시험

  • How can I register for the CNA exam in Texas?

    Your school(DMS Care Training Center) will let Prometric know you are ready to take the exam after you complete your class. After they do that, you will get login information for  Prometric's portal. There, you will complete your application to take your test, choose a testing location, and submit your payment. The cost for the full exam is $125

  • How long does the CNA exam take?

    The Texas Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) exam is made up of two parts: a multiple-choice (written or oral) exam and a clinical skills exam. The multiple-choice portion consists of 60 multiple-choice questions, and you will have 90 minutes to complete it. If you choose to take this portion orally rather than written, you will have 120 minutes.

    The clinical skills part of the exam requires you to demonstrate your ability in performing certain procedures on another person. The length of time depends on the procedures you get and how quickly you complete them, but you should budget about half an hour to an hour. You will need to demonstrate 3-5 procedures.


  • What do I need to bring for the CNA exam?

When you arrive at the testing center to take your CNA exam, you'll need to bring:

  1. Your Authorization to Test letter. Prometric emails this to you after your schedule your exam.
  2. A photo ID (driver's license, state ID card, passport, or military ID). It can't be expired.
  3. A second photo ID. For example, a library card, school ID, or another of the above documents.
  4. Flat, nonskid, closed-toed shoes. You are suggested but not required to wear scrubs. Prometric suggests you wear a watch with a second hand as well.


  • How many times can the CNA exam be retaken in Texas?

    The Texas CNA exam can be taken three times. You must pass the Clinical Skills exam and the Written (or Oral) exam within three attempts. Failure to do this will result in re-training before another attempt can be made.

    If you must re-take either of the exams, you will have to pay the following additional fees: Written Test ONLY ($35), Oral Test ONLY (includes Reading Comprehension exam - $45), and the Clinical Skills Test ONLY ($90).




  • CNA 시험은 얼마나 걸립니까?

 Texas Certified Nurse Assistant(CNA) 시험은 객관식(필기 또는 구두) 시험과 임상 기술 시험의 두 부분으로 구성됩니다. 객관식 부분은 60개의 객관식 질문으로 구성되어 있으며 완료하는 데 90분이 주어집니다. 이 부분을 서면이 아닌 구두로 선택하면 120분이 주어집니다.
 시험의 임상 기술 부분에서는 다른 사람에게 특정 절차를 수행하는 능력을 입증해야 합니다. 시간은 받는 절차와 완료 속도에 따라 다르지만 30분에서 1시간 정도의 시간을 책정해야 합니다. 3 -5 가지 실기를 시연해야 합니다.

  • 텍사스에서 CNA 시험에 어떻게 등록할 수 있습니까?

DMS Care Training Center는 학생이 수업을 마친 후 시험을 볼 준비가 되었음을 Prometric에 알립니다. 그렇게 하면 Prometric 포털에 대한 로그인 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다. 그곳에서 시험 응시를 위한 신청서를 작성하고 시험 장소를 선택한 다음 지불금을 제출합니다. 전체 시험 비용은 $125입니다.

<실기 시험시 들고갈것>

  1. 시험 허가서. Prometric은 시험 일정을 예약한 후 시험 허가서를 이메일로 보내드립니다.

  2. 사진이 부착된 만료되지 않은 신분증(운전면허증, 주 신분증, 여권 또는 군인 신분증).

  3. 사진이 부착된 신분증 하나더. (예를 들어 도서관 카드, 학생증)

  4. 편평하고 미끄럼 방지되며 발가락이 막힌 신발.

  5. 스크럽(유니폼)을 착용하는 것이 권장되지만 필수는 아닙니다.

  6. 초침이 있는 손목 시계.


  • 시험 예약하는 방법을 보려면 클릭하세요


  •  텍사스에서 CNA 시험에 몇 번이나 재응시할 수 있나요?

텍사스 CNA 시험은 세 번 볼 수 있습니다. 3번의 시도 이내에 임상 기술 시험과 필기(또는 구술) 시험을 통과해야 합니다. 시험에 3번 불합격시 다시 학교를 다녀야 합니다.
시험 중 하나를 다시 치러야 하는 경우 다음 추가 비용을 지불해야 합니다: 필기 시험만($35), 임상 기술 시험만($90).


  • Regional Testing Locations:

Texas Nurse Aide ACTIVE Site List (2023)
Active Nursing Assistant (TX-REGANAT) SEABROOK
Alliance Career Institute (TX-REGACI) DALLAS
Amarillo College - West Campus (TX-REGACWC) AMARILLO
Angelina College (TX-REGANCO) LUFKIN
Arlington Career Institute (TX-REGACIG) ARLINGTON
Academy of Exceptional HealthCare (TX-REGAEHT) HOUSTON
Career Academy of Training (TX-REGCAOT) SAN MARCOS
Careers Unlimited, LLC (TX-REGCUL) MISSION
CE Global Health Education Network (TX-REGCGHE) GARLAND
Central Texas Nurse Network Inc (TX-REGCTNN) AUSTIN
Choezen Careers & Healthcare Training (TX-REGCCAH) SAN ANTONIO
Consolidated NA Training Institute (TX-REGCNAT) SUGAR LAND
Crockett County Consolidated School (Ozona High School) (TX-REGCCCS) OZONA
Deep East Texas College & Career Alliance (TX-REGDETC) JASPER
Dotson Healthcare Institute (TX-REGDHCI) HOUSTON
Elite Nurse Aide Training (TX-REGENAT) KILLEEN
Emerald Nursing School (TX-REGENS) EL PASO
Estates Healthcare & Rehab (TX-REGEHRC) FORT WORTH
Freedom Academy of Excellence (TX-REGFAOE)
Genesis Education & Training (TX-REGGEAT) WHARTON
Howard College - St. John's Campus (TX-REGHCSJ) SAN ANGELO
Hendrick Medical Center (TX-REGHMC) ABILENE
Houston Community College (TX-REGHCC) HOUSTON
Howard College - Big Spring (TX-REGHCBS) BIG SPRING
Integrity Health & Education Center (TX-REGIHE) DENTON
J and R Training Center (TX-REGJRTC) SAN BENITO
Lamar State College Orange (TX-REGLSCO) ORANGE
Lampasas County Higher Education (TX-REGLCHE) LAMPASAS
Malakoff High School (TX-REGMHS) MALAKOFF
McLennan Community College (TX-REGMLCC) WACO
Necole’s Learning Academy (TX-REGNLA) JACKSONVILLE
New Start School (TX-REGNSS) MCALLEN
Odessa College (TX-REGODCO) ODESSA
OGT Test & Research Center (TX-REGOTRC) DALLAS
Panola College - Carthage Campus (TX-REGPCCC) CARTHAGE
South Texas College (TX-REGSTC) MCALLEN
Southern Careers Institute (TX-REGSCI) BROWNSVILLE
Southern Careers Institute (TX-REGSCIC) CORPUS CHRISTI
Southwest Texas Junior College (TX-REGSTJC) EAGLE PASS
Southwest Texas Junior College (TX-REGSWTJ) UVALDE
Springpack Healthcare Career (TX-REGSHCC) ARLINGTON
Springpack Healthcare Career #2 (TX-REGSHC2) FOREST HILL
Smithwood Medical Institute (TX-REGSMI) HOUSTON
Teamwork Career Institute (TX-REGTCI) ARLINGTON
Tahoka High School (TX-REGTHS) TAHOKA
Texarkana College (TX-REGTKC) TEXARKANA
Trinity Valley Community College (TX-REGTVCC) ATHENS
Texas Health School (TX-REGTXHS) HOUSTON
Wonder Health Career Institute REG (TX-REGWHCI) HOUSTON